Support Not Alone Notes

All Not Alone Notes are sent free of charge to recipients, so we do appreciate any and all support of this initiative. It helps ensure that we can continue mailing these notes to others with OCD and related disorders, and their caregivers.

Not Alone Notes is a 501(c)3 tax-deductible organization. EIN: 84-5074075

As an all-volunteer nonprofit, 100% of donations go back into the organization and helping people with OCD.


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Your contribution is appreciated.

Your contribution is appreciated.

Your contribution is appreciated.

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Alternatively, checks or donations of stamps, colorful pens, stickers, and other card-writing supplies can also be sent to our PO box. If you’d like us to pick out which supplies we need most, gift cards to stores like Michael’s, Target, or Dollar Tree can also helpful.

Not Alone Notes
PO BOX 162
Normal, IL 61761

Blog at